GRIM FUNERAL - Abdication Under Funeral Dirge CD
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Grim Funeral is a black metal one man band, hailing from Barcelona, Spain. It was formed by Ur Profanum in 2003 and released so far one album on THR Sweden label (“A grim funeral to the soul of this world”) and two split CDs with Gheestenland and Spectre. His composing style was always based on a sorrowful mood, drenched with pain and desperation. Although musically speaking he never really got far from the traditional suicidal black metal roots, Grim Funeral's sound is heavily characterized by his unique way of playing guitar.Yet very cold and razor-blade like since the beginning, on this new album Ur Profanum introduces a lot instrumental variations and intermezzos, where his guitar is almost played like a classical violinist would play a black metal guitar!